Friday, January 7, 2011

The importance of 2010

I realize that it is now a week into the new year, but over the past few days, I have been reminded of how God constantly showed me His unending love, grace, mercy and hope. 2010 did have its ups and downs, but overall, I would not trade any of the experiences for anything.

Throughout 2010 here are some things that happened that have truly helped me understand God even more:

1. I began having eye issues and will have to have surgery next year in order to correct some problems that have been caused by scars and abrasions on my eyes.

Through this, I learned that faith is not founded on what I can physically see, but that God has a plan for my life and He truly leads me through anything.

2. I worked my first job other than babysitting. I worked for G3S2 and was able to work alongside numerous people who live their lives with an undying passion for Christ.

Through this, I learned that everyone needs love. And everyone needs help. No matter where I am, there is someone who I can show love to and who I can help. We are all connected through the love of Christ.

3. I watched my niece and nephew grow up one more year.

Through this, I was able to understand the precious moments in life and truly cherish them more. Life is filled with God's glory and His love for His children....all we have to do is look into the eyes of a child and you will definitely see the beauty life has to offer.

4. I began working at Piper Child Development Center. I am so in love with my job. I am constantly surrounded by people who love the Lord and love children...what more could you ask for!

Through my job I have been encouraged and greatly reminded of how Great our Father is! Children demonstrate how loving our God is, and I have the chance to spend every day with 7 beautiful children who were created by God and are forever loved by Him.

5. I had some health issues come up in October relating to my stomach and had to have my appendix removed.

Through this, I was reminded that even through those times when you are unsure of the outcome and what it could hold, God is a constant that you can always rely on. He never promised to take us out of the storm, but He will lead us through it. This was just another reminder that through anything, God is still God.

Around this time of the year, everyone posts of what happened in their year. By looking back over my year, I am able to see great examples of love, grace and through every situation the beauty of Christ.

I encourage you to take the time to look over your year and see the many ways that God has revealed Himself to you. God is faithful. God is just. God continues to love His children and pour out that love.

Be encouraged in this new year.

And be renewed.

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