Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Beauty not Seen

Beauty. Beauty is something that is constantly seen, constantly debated, and constantly there. But sometimes, beauty is deeper than just what meets the eyes.

I love this optical illusion.

Do you see the elderly woman?
At first glance, this seems like a typical picture of an elderly woman. She looks haggard, bitter, unloved, and forgotten.

But isn't that who we are? We are the bitter, the forgotten, the unloved. We are the ones who are undeserving. We are the ones who need to find beauty in a Savior.

And the thing that makes it so amazing is that we can find beauty in Christ. Christ is the only one who can take ashes and turn them into beauty. The scattered strokes of our lives can be turned into a beautiful masterpiece.

Now, look closer at this image. Can you see the young lady? If not, the old lady's eye is the young woman's ear.

See it now?

All along, there is a beauty that is hidden beneath the surface. At first, we are only able to see the older woman and turn away in disgust. But, the longer you search and the more care you give to the picture, you see the young woman.

That's how I think we are. I think that to some we appear lost, broken, completely unworthy. But God takes the time to look inside and takes the time to really figure us out. And we find out that all along, there is a beauty inside us that we never knew. There is beauty unmatched. There is beauty in everything.

We are called to be like Christ. I see this as a great task and an exciting way to live. I see this as an opportunity to look inside and find beauty.

Beauty not seen is the greatest beauty that could ever exist.

Beauty in Christ. That's the beauty that I want to be known for.

The beauty unseen.

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