You read that correctly. This post might be too much for some of you to handle. In case you die from the amount of awesome that is to follow, I apologize; however, you were fairly warned.
This post is about the two people who mean more to me than anyone else I know. They have been my best friends through the best of life and the worst. They are without a doubt two of the most amazing women I know and I am beyond blessed to know them and call them my best friends.
And, my sisters.
Rebekah and Leah.
If you don't know them, you truly are missing out on life. Seriously. They are the greatest people I know and you might say I'm biased, but the reality is I didn't choose to be their sister, but I did choose to be their friend.
And that is the second greatest decision I have ever made.
Let me take a few seconds to briefly tell you about these two:
She is my older sister and is completely amazing. I am constantly overwhelmed by her grace and beauty. She is a mother of two fantastic children and married to an incredibly Godly man. She is strong and very determined. She doesn't give up. She always has something positive to say and is never shy of a smile. When you are down, I promise that she is the one to contact. She is creative and artistic and is very musical. I am always amazed when I hear songs she has written, especially ones for her little kiddos. She forgives. She loves with all she has. She never turns her back on you. She is always there for matter what.
She is my sweet little baby sister. She means the absolute world to me. Just talking to her on the phone brings a smile to my face while also bringing tears because just hearing her voice reminds me of how much I miss her. She is very passionate. She loves to help others and desires to serve people in whatever way she can. She loves to be informed. She is constantly searching for more knowledge and is involved in several bible studies to help feed that thirst. She loves South America. If she could, she would be there right now. She is completely hilarious. Seriously, she is the funniest person that I have ever met. She can easily make you laugh in any situation. She is the sweetest person that I know and is completely genuine...always.
Both of them have completely changed my life. They will never know how much they mean to me and the impact that they have had in me. I will always look at them and be completely amazed at the fact that for whatever reason, God found me worthy to be their sister. Me. I still am so amazed that God chose me to have the relationship I have with them.
I could go on for years talking about my sisters and how much they mean to me. They are truly the most incredible people I know and I am so blessed to have them in my life. This past week was hard for me because I wasn't able to see or talk to my sisters much. Some people say that I should grow up and just deal with the distance. But my response to them is that they obviously have no idea what it means to be best friends with your sisters. No matter what. They are always there for me and I love them both so so so much.
OMG! You all are so special. Dad and I were talking last night that we have no doubt you girls will have this special relationship even after Dad and I are gone. It is so comforting to us to know how much you girls loves each other! Great post Hannah!